Raymond Root
Stafford High School
“Don’t worry about whether you’re better than somebody else and never cease trying to be the best you can become. You have control over that; the other you don’t.”
John Wooden
Silas Garcia
Assistant Principal
Stafford High School
"Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn."
Benjamin Franklin
Jeffery Williams
Associate Principal
Stafford High School
“Change is inevitable. Growth is intentional!"
Jeffery G. Williams
Stafford High School encourages high academic achievement, with a focus on career and college readiness. Texas Education Agency has recognized our high school for outstanding performance in mathematics, and our graduation rates exceed state graduation rates for all student groups – regardless of background. Discover your strengths and prepare for your future here.
Yourself at SHS
Visit our new Stafford Learns website for all of your online learning needs. Stafford Learns
Science, technology, engineering, and math skills prepare students for high-demand careers. We like to call it “STEM to Earn.”
The number one reason students work hard is to make their family proud. Families who show an interest and involvement in a child’s learning are powerful motivators. You don’t have to have the answers. Ask your child to teach you what they are learning. Access our family resources for more tips and tools to support children and learning.
Technology accelerates and deepens learning opportunities. It promotes anytime, anywhere learning and prepares students for the future.
SMSD is the proud recipient of more then $300,000 in grants to support its highly popular robotics program.
Our graduates know that achieving the “American Dream” requires a desire to keep learning beyond high school. Also find out about HCC Dual Credit Open Enrollment now open February 8 through March 31. Our students are college and career ready.